preparation is the key to success. We firmly believe in maximizing the time AHEAD of hitting the market. PREPARATION PAYS IN CASH!


We start by spending some time with you reviewing an up-to-date CMA (Competitive Market Analysis) to take the pulse of what’s going on in the market. These comps will reveal trends happening unique to your neighborhood, street and zip code. Past sales are helpful, but we also need to evaluate your current active competition so you can effectively market and position your home to stand out as soon as you hit the market.

A First Impression That Sells

As part of our preparation stage, we also like to tour your house and provide suggestions to improve marketability. Our team has experience with home renovations, styling and staging and we can give you strategies that will yield results, without breaking the bank! Whether it’s repairs, paint colors, fixtures or dated elements that just need some freshening, we will give you honest feedback that will help your home sell faster and hopefully for more!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Why wait for bad feedback and price reductions to get your home sold, when with the proper preparation, every buyer will see your home from the onset in it’s very best light.